Category: Forge World DIY

Forge World DIY: Ep 6 Zip-Wire 

Episode 5 of Forge World DIY. In this episode, I will show some good tips when making Teleporters and help with authenticity.

Episode 4 of Forge World DIY. In this episode, I show you hoe to hold you weapon at ease, a useful skill when making machinima.

Episode 3 of Forge World DIY. In this episode I show you how to make the popular Banshee Shredder, commonly seen on many Achievement HORSE episodes!

Episode 2 of Forge World DIY. In this episode I show you how to create a man cannon so powerful it can be used to jump incredible heights!

Episode 1 of Forge World DIY. In this episode i show you how to make elevators for use in forge.

Forge World DIY is a new series I will be make which will show you how to make various interesting and helpful creations in Halo Reach’s Forge. it should be on the way very soon!