Tag Archive: halo combat evolved

Halo: The Maw

Master Chief and Cortana must head to the wreckage of the Pillar of Autumn to set its self destruct to destroy the Halo. However the Covenant and the Flood arent the only thing in their way, as the Monitor and his sentinels also seek to stop them.

Halo: The Maw


Halo: Keyes

Master Chief and Cortana must battle through a Flood Infested Covenant cruiser in order to save Captain Keyes from his captors.

Halo: Keyes

Halo: Two Betrayals

After discovering the true purpose of Halo, Master Chief and Cortana must stop 343 Guilty Spark from activating Halo by taking 3 pulse generators offline. They must move through the large canyons and caves taking on the hoard of Flood and Covenant in their way…

Halo: Two Betrayals

Halo: The Library

Master Chief is teleported into a strange structure by the monitor, 343 Guilty Spark. He must follow the monitor through the Library to get the Halos Index. But first he must go through the many twists and turns for the structure, facing legions of Flood as he goes…

Halo: The Library

Master Chief heads to Captain Keyes last known position to warn him of the danger Cortana found. However Keyes is missing and Chief must find him amidst the Covenant infested swamp and Forerunner tunnels. But there is a new enemy that even the Covenant fear.

Halo: 343 Guilty Spark

After heading into the bowels of Halo, Master Chief heads through the corridors and rooms to find Halos Control Room. On his way he crosses bridges full of Covenant, helps marines and drives a Warthog and Scorpion through the canyons. He finally finds the Control Room, kills all the Covenant and heads inside…

Halo: Assault on the Control Room

The UNSC forces on Halo have gathered intel which has lead them to this island. Cortana finds, that the map room of the Halo is on the island and Master Chief and a group of marines must land on the beach and take out the Covenant guards. A warthog is dropped of and Chief heads to one of the structures. However it is locked before he can get inside. Cortana reads that another structure on the other side of the island holds the security systems and Chief heads there to disables them. He heads through the centre of the island passing another structure and more Covenant. Inside he faces Covenant resistance including hunters. Chief heads through the tight corridors and unlocks the door. Unfortunately, a Pelican carrying heavy weapons is shot down and Chief gather the weapons to use against any more Hunters he may encounter. He then heads back to the first structure and heads inside. He proceeds through a complex series of rooms and halls, fighting a variety of Covenant forces. He finally reaches the Halo’s map room and Cortana locates the Control Room of Halo. He heads back outside the structure and boards Foehammers Pelican and they head through a structure in the centre which Chief spotted earlier and it opens to reveal a large open area inside the Halo…

Halo: The Silent Cartographer

Master Chief and a group of marines make there way to the gravity lift of the Covenant ship, Truth and Reconciliation. After facing Elites, Grunts and Hunters, they go up into the ship and make their way around the tight corridors of the ships interior to Captain Keyes. Once he is rescued they make their escape using a Covenant drop ship.

Halo: Truth and Reconciliation

Halo: Halo

Master Chief crashes in an escape pod on the surface of Halo and must sweep the area for marine survivors and determine they need to rescue the captain and form a resistance from the Covenant…

Halo: Halo

The UNSC ship Pillar of Autumn come out of slipspace after escaping a doomed world and comes across a massive, mysterious ring. However the alien alliance know as the Covenant has followed then and the Spartan, Master Chief 117, is woken from cryo-sleep to repel the invaders…

Halo: The Pillar of Autumn