Tag Archive: easter egg

Weekly Update #5 (26/01/13)

Hello everyone!

Back again for another update and recap!

This week I put up three videos including the cinematic episode for Spartan Ops episode 6 called Scattered featuring all new locations and missions. I also uploaded the Regeneration Field trick I mentioned last week and the continuation of my play through of Halo 4’s campaign with the 3rd mission Forerunner. The penultimate episode of my Reach series of VPMaps was also uploaded here I showcased my map Temple which is a medium sized map with a mix of indoor and exterior spaces.
The final episode of my Reach maps will be out soon and will focus on my map Sentinel, which is a small indoor map with multiple levels and some tight spaces.

After that I will start looking at my Halo 4 maps, beginning with a small map called Cenotaph which I will talk about more in the near future. In terms of future videos, I will be uploading mission 4 of the Halo 4 campaign and will hopefully be doing another lets play and maybe a map flythrough. In regards to the website, I will now be uploading a brief version of the Halo Bulletin from 343 and Halo Waypoint, so you can see the main points of the update and can also visit it yourself. The Minecraft series is still in development and should be rolling out sometime in the not to distant future.

That’s all from me this week, stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribefollow,  like and visit the site for more!


I show you how to use your Regeneration Field as an offence rather that a defence.

Halo 4: Regeneration Field Shockwave

Weekly Update #4 (19/01/13)

Hello folks!

Back again for another update!

This week has been a little slow in terms of videos and I apologise. I have been a  little busy as I have had some job interviews and other job related tasks which has taken up some of my video making time. I did manage to upload a lets play with me and Lewis, who is my brother and sometimes helps me with some of my videos. We played 3 games of  Halo 4 matchmaking in different modes. I hope to release more of these in the future. Regarding future videos, this coming week I hope to upload another episode of  VPMaps where I will be looking at my map, Temple. I also hope to upload some other videos which should come out in the week, including a trick involving the regeneration field armour ability.

I am in the process of working on a Minecraft series of lets plays. The series will involve 3 people, myself, Lewis and another of my friends, where we will be taking on one of the most inhospitable seeds I have found so far. The seed was found by me  and my friend Jamie, the same friend which will be in the videos. We vowed never to go back until we were ready. Now after many worlds and different houses and structure, we venture back to try to survive. I have made a trailer for the series which I which I will upload either this week on the next, depend on the development of the series.

In terms of my Halo playing, I have joined a clan to, hopefully, revive the days of when I played with friends day after day doing customs and multiplayer alike, like back in the day of Halo 3.

That’s all from me this week, so I will catch you next time and don’t forget to subscribefollow,  like and visit the site for more!


Hello all!

It feels like an eternity since I did one of these, but I have been very busy with other matters and have not been able to edit my the site as much as I would have hoped.

However, as you may have noticed the site has gone through some changes. I have had some spare time and have changed the theme of the site to make it more custom-made and has given me some additional tools to add some features to the site to make it easier to navigate and look at.

I have also taken the time to post all the videos from my YouTube channel on to the site so now both channel and site are up to date with each other and I can now start to use the site and channel in unison.

In terms of videos, I have posted many videos posted by 343i and other companies which covered Halo 4’s launch and I was fortunate enough to be able to play it at Eurogamer Expo in London. Unfortunately, I have not had a great deal of my own time to create original videos and I will talk a little bit about that now.

I have had to do a lot of travelling back and forth from places and I could not bring my HD PVR everywhere I went, but I managed to create videos when I could. I am now back at home and can re-establish my flow of videos. In regards to that, here is some of the content I have planned. Over the next few days I plan to upload all of the Spartan Ops cinematic episodes, for people to see if they don’t have Xbox live or if another factor hinders them from view them. I also plan on releasing another VPMaps episode. this next episode will still be in Reach, as I still have a few good maps I would like to share and it would give me more time to find and create maps in Halo 4 to showcase in future episodes, which should become a lot easier for both you and me when 343i have established the file share system in Halo 4. As for Operation: Coastline, I am hoping to get Episode 3 out in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to filming this episode as it will be good to jump back into the classic that is Halo 3 and hopefully I will be able to get some good ODST footage for this particular episode. On the easter egg/glitches side of things, I hope to upload all 5 Red vs Blue Spartan Ops easter eggs in the next few weeks and continue my playthrough of Halo 4’s campaign and multiplayer maps. I must apologise, however for the length of time in between videos and episodes. It is quite difficult for me to create these videos on a frequent basis as it is just me working on them, but I will try my best to get as much out as I can.

That’s all from me this week, I will hopefully be doing an update every week from now on, as well as giving this site a little bit more attention.

See you next week.



Classic Halo: Ep 7: Driving the Anti-Air Wraith 

Classic Halo: Ep 6: Halo 3 Legendary Ending

More strange things in New Alexandria.

A little Easter egg at the end of halo reach, a scene which some fans will find familiar….

This video will show you how to see Spartan 117 in the halo reach campaign.