Tag Archive: world


Halo Reach: Lone Wolf


Six and Emile must get the package to the ship; The Pillar of Autumn before the Covenant arrive and before it escapes Reach.

Halo Reach: The Pillar of Autumn

The remaining members of Noble Team head back into ONI Sword Base to destroy the base in an effort to stop the Covenant getting their hands of vital UNSC information. However, Noble take on an unexpected task…

Halo Reach: The Package

Noble Six is reunited with Noble Team, but there is now time for reunions. Six must help Kat by neutralising communication jammers and helping UNSC forces in the city of New Alexandria. Six pilots a Falcon and heads to the Hospital, the SinoViet Centre and Vyrant Telecoms Tower to destroy the jammers. He also aids UNSC forces who are in trouble and need help. He then heads to Kat in ONI’s Olympic Tower and defends it while evacuations take place. He then lands on the tower and meets with the rest of Noble. But the danger isn’t over yet. The Covenant start glassing extremely close to the building they are in and they rush to the bunker. But just outside the bunker, tragedy strikes Noble…

Halo Reach: New Alexandria

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to another update of the week just gone!

The week kicked of with the Halo Reach level Exodus. After falling from orbit, Noble Six makes the long trek back to civilization. He arrives at the besieged city of New Alexandria. He makes his way through some buildings and encounters and few Jackals and some Suicide Bombing Grunts, which charge him with primed Plasma Grenades. He then proceeds up to the tops of the buildings and meets up with a group of marines, who are helping civilians escape. After helping take out the legions of Covenant in their way across the many walkways and atriums he meets up with a group of Jet Pack ODST’s, known as the Bullfrogs, who move across to another building and take out the Brutes there. After clearing all enemies the civilians are evacuated, he is picked up by a Falcon and taken to a beach front across from the starport, aiding UNSC forces en route . Here he helps marines get to missile batteries and activate them. He activates the two on the lower part of the area, then moves up to the main building, which is heavily guarded. Once he kills all the hostile enemies, the missiles are launched which allows the civilian transports the escape the city. Six is then contacted by a Noble Two and Kat orders Six to be picked up and taken to their location.

After that, I resumed with Halo CE and took on the level, The Silent Cartographer. The UNSC forces on Halo have gathered intel which has lead them to this island. Cortana finds, that the map room of the Halo is on the island and Master Chief and a group of marines must land on the beach and take out the Covenant guards. A warthog is dropped of and Chief heads to one of the structures. However it is locked before he can get inside. Cortana reads that another structure on the other side of the island holds the security systems and Chief heads there to disables them. He heads through the centre of the island passing another structure and more Covenant. Inside he faces Covenant resistance including hunters. Chief heads through the tight corridors and unlocks the door. Unfortunately, a Pelican carrying heavy weapons is shot down and Chief gather the weapons to use against any more Hunters he may encounter. He then heads back to the first structure and heads inside. He proceeds through a complex series of rooms and halls, fighting a variety of Covenant forces. He finally reaches the Halo’s map room and Cortana locates the Control Room of Halo. He heads back outside the structure and boards Foehammers Pelican and they head through a structure in the centre which Chief spotted earlier and it opens to reveal a large open area inside the Halo…

Next week, the same set up resumes and at the start of the week Halo Reach’s New Alexandria will be out, where Six must pilot a Falcon and help Kat launch and counter attack against the Covenant. Later Halo CE will return with the level Assault on the Control Room, where Chief has located Halo’s Control Room and the UNSC begin their mission to secure it.

So that’s all for this update!

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After falling from orbit, Noble Six makes the long trek back to civilization. He arrives at the besieged city of New Alexandria. After making his way through some buildings, he meets up with a group of marines, who are helping civilians escape. After helping take out the Covenant in their way, he is picked up by a Falcon and taken to a beach front across from the starport. Here he helps marines get to missile batteries and activate them. Once he kills all the hostile enemies, the missiles are launched which allows the civilian transports the escape the city. Six is then contacted by a familiar voice…

Halo Reach: Exodus

Hey Guys!

Welcome to another update.

This week started with the continuation of Halo Reach’s campaign with the level Long Night of Solace. In this mission, Noble Team comes up with a daring plan to hit back at the Covenant. They head to a top secret SABRE launch facility and  fight back the Covenant attackers. Six and Jorge then board a Sabre space craft and head into space in the first stage of the plan. They then defend the Anchor 9 space station from Seraphs, Banshees and Phantoms, until the UNSC Savannah’s slipspace drive can be mounted to a Pelican. The Frigate, Sabre’s and the Pelican head to capture a Covenant Corvette, where they disable its defences and Six, with other marines land on the corvette and fight their war to the hanger. Unfortunately, the plasma cannons of the corvette are to much for the Savannah and it is destroyed, but they press on. They clear the hangar of enemies and the pelican lands. They defend the pelican until the slipspace drive is set-up, then Six and the marines head to the bridge to put the corvette into an intercept course with the Super Carrier. They then head back to the hangar to assist Jorge in defence of the pelican. However, the fight caused the pelican damage and the only way out of the corvette is by gravity. The slipspace drive is also damaged and must now be detonated manually. Jorge bravely sacrifices himself for Reach and Six can only watch as he falls back down to Reach and the Super Carrier is destroyed. However despite their efforts more Covenant ships arrive and the war for Reach escalates to a new level.

After that Halo CE’s campaign continued with the level Truth and Reconciliation, where Master Chief leads a group of marine to the Covenant Cruiser, Truth and Reconciliation to rescue Captain Keyes. They first head through the canyons in the immediate area towards the ships Gravlift, taking out all Covenant defences on the way. They head up into the ship with they try to find a way to the prison cells.  But with Cortana’s help the find several key areas such as the Hangar and the bridge. After taking on a manner of Covenant enemies, they find Captain Keyes in the brig and now must make their escape. Chief, Keyes and the remaining marines head back to the hangar, where a Covenant dropship is docked. The group steal the ship and fly their way out of the ship.

Next week Halo Reach will continue with the level Exodus, where Six must help out marines in the war torn New Alexandria. The same can be said for Halo CE with will continue with the level The Silent Cartographer, where Chief must find the map room of the Halo.

And that’s all for this update!

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe, follow,  like and visit the site for more!


Noble Team comes up with a daring plan to hit back at the Covenant. They head to a top secret SABRE launch facility and Six and Jorge head into space in the first stage of the plan. They then defend the Anchor 9 space station until the UNSC Savannah’s slipspace drive can be mounted to a Pelican. The Frigate, Sabres and the Pelican head to capture a Covenant Corvette, where they will land the Pelican and slipspace drive inside, fly it to the Super Carrier and create an unstable slipspace rupture to destroy the ship. But the mission comes at a terrible cost to Noble Team…

Halo Reach: Long Night of Solace

Whats up, guys!

Welcome to a new recap and a new month!

The wee started as usual with Halo Reach’s campaign. This week, the level was Tip of the Spear. In this level, the UNSC launch a huge preemptive strike on the Covenant landing site, identified by Noble Six and Jun. The rest of the UNSC engage the Covenant while Six and Kat head to 2 AA guns and destroy them to allow UNSC frigates passage to the area. Then after fighting many Elites, Grunts, Jackals and even a Zealot, Six is picked up by a Falcon carrying Jorge. They are taken through a canyon, clearing out enemies as they go, to a large Covenant spire surround by a shield. They head through it but lose power and crash with only the 2 Spartans surviving. The clear out the enemies and head to the top of the spire an deactivate its shield. After leaving the spire a frigate is authorized to destroy the spire using a MAC round. However once the spire is destroyed, a Covenant Super Carrier is revealed and destroys the frigate, sending it crashing to the ground as Noble leave the area.

After that I continued with another campaign, Halo: Combat Evolved. This time it was the level Halo, where Master Chief is the one survivor of the lifeboat he took from the Pillar of Autumn. Chief  heads through the many canyons surrounding him, evading Covenant patrols, and finds an ancient structure with some surviving marines. They group holds out against the Covenant until evac arrives. Cortana spots more lifeboats inbound. The Pelican picks up the marines and leaves a Warthog and a handful of marines for Chief to use to head to the lifeboats and find survivors. The ‘Hog heads to a large opening in the cliff and heads through a series of passages and across a lightbridge taking out the Covenant on their way. The emerge in a large canyon, while multiple other ravines. Using the Pelicans intel the chief and marines head to different locations and help survives fend off attackers until they are picked up. With the last group of marines rescued, they Chief finds out that the Captain and some of the crew have been taken prisoner on board the Covenant ship Truth and Reconciliation. He boards the Pelican and the group head to rescue the Captain.

Next week will have a similar setup with Halo Reach’s level, Long Night of Solace, where Noble must take back a launch facility and use it to get Six into space and hatch out a plan of attack on the Super Carrier. Halo: CE will continue with the level Truth and Reconciliation, where the Chief and some marines head inside a Covenant ship to rescue Captain Keyes.

And that’s all for this update!

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe, follow,  like and visit the site for more!



With Noble Teams gathered intel, the UNSC mount a huge assault on the Covenant landing zone. While the UNSC engages the bulk of the Covenant army, Noble 2 and 6 head to the surrounding cliffs to take out two heavy AA canons, to allow frigates passage to the area. They then head to a large spire, which the UNSC deem a valuable target. However, the Falcon that Jorge and Six are in crashes due to the protective shield. The 2 spartans head towards the spire, take out the Covenants guards and deactivate the tower. But when the spire is finally destroyed, something even more sinister is revealed…

Halo Reach: Tip of the Spear